Celebrities and Aliens

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I've met my share of celebrities. (Mr. Belding and Edwin McCain, for example, are two of my favorites). Most of them look like normal people when you talk to them up close, and a few (unnamed) female country singers have looked pretty rough in person.

So, I don't normally get very flustered when meeting people.

But two celebrity encounters have weirded me out. One was with Joshua Jackson, and the other was with Nicole Kidman.

Gabe Releases "Untethered" Music Video

Launch of a new human

reddingbrothers Rock & Roll Can Save The World

Okay, we're not really launching human 2.0 - but I was going to title this "Launch of a new website", and that just seems kind of lame. The point is, the brothers and I and a few other people have recently started a new site called "Eminent Human", about the amazing-ness of being human. We're trying to focus on the vast scope of what humanity is doing and is capable of, and we're trying to show just how beautiful it is to be creatures like we are.

If you'd like to contribute, or point to something you think fits this picture, drop us an email at theband @ reddingbrothers.com.

Questions on the Street

reddingbrothers Rock & Roll Can Save The World

Today, I was walking into the grocery store, and got accosted by Better Nashville. They were doing a Jay Leno-style "question-on-the-street" thing where they ask simple questions. Normally I wouldn't agree to appear on camera, but all my friends now think I'm doing some kind of "Yes Man" lifestyle, where I just go with whatever comes along. So I did.

What do YOU think our New Years Resolutions should be?

reddingbrothers Rock & Roll Can Save The World

Ok, so I've decided I've made enough resolutions for myself. So I'm going to let the rest of the world make my resolutions for me this year. What do YOU think Micah, Josiah, Gabe, or the band as a whole, should change in the new year?

What do you think we should change about ourselves?
What do you think we should resolve to do?
What do you think we should read, or watch, or learn?
What annoying habits should we break?
What annoying habits should we pick up?


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